Oncology or cancer treatment personalized
Oncology or cancer treatment personalized

Comprehensive Medical Tourism Assistance for Advance Cancer Treatment in India

International Cancer Care offers personalized and comprehensive assistance to cancer patients like Grace Udo who are seeking advanced treatment options in India. Our dedicated team of professionals specializes in coordinating every aspect of the medical tourism journey, from initial medical opinions to post-treatment care, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience for patients and their families.

Why you need us

  1. Medical Opinion by Indian Doctors:

    • Facilitation of medical opinions by renowned oncologists and specialists in India.

    • Coordination of medical records transfer and virtual consultations to discuss treatment options and recommendations.

  2. Teleconsultation Services:

    • Access to teleconsultation services with Indian doctors for preliminary discussions and follow-up appointments.

    • Convenient and secure virtual consultations via video conferencing platforms.

  3. Visa Assistance:

    • Guidance and support in the visa application process, including documentation preparation and submission.

    • Assistance in obtaining medical visa letters from Indian hospitals to facilitate the visa application process.

  4. Logistical Support:

    • Airport pickup and transportation to accommodation upon arrival in India.

    • Assistance with hotel or accommodation bookings near the chosen medical facility, catering to the patient's preferences and budget.

  5. Hospital Appointments and Treatment Coordination:

    • Scheduling of hospital appointments, diagnostic tests, and treatment sessions according to the patient's treatment plan.

    • Coordination with medical staff and specialists to ensure timely and efficient care delivery.

  6. Concierge Services:

    • Personalized assistance and support throughout the patient's stay in India, including interpretation services, local transportation arrangements, and cultural guidance.

    • 24/7 helpline for any inquiries, emergencies, or assistance needed during the patient's medical tourism journey.

  7. Post-Treatment Care:

    • Continued support and follow-up care after the completion of treatment, including virtual consultations and assistance with medical records transfer back to the patient's home country.

    • Coordination of any additional follow-up appointments or consultations as recommended by the treating physicians.

Benefits with us

  • Peace of Mind: Patients and their families can rest assured knowing that every aspect of their medical tourism journey is expertly managed by experienced professionals.

  • Convenience: International Cancer Care streamlines the entire process, saving patients time and effort in arranging appointments, accommodations, and travel logistics.

  • Quality Care: Patients have access to world-class medical facilities and renowned specialists in India, ensuring the highest standards of care and treatment.

  • Personalised Support: Our dedicated team provides personalised assistance and support, catering to the individual needs and preferences of each patient.

How it Works

  1. Consultation: Patients reach out to International Cancer Care for an initial consultation and assessment of their medical tourism needs.

  2. Customized Plan: Based on the patient's preferences and medical requirements, International Cancer Care designs a customized plan outlining the recommended services and assistance.

  3. Coordination: International Cancer Care handles all aspects of the medical tourism journey, from arranging medical opinions to coordinating travel logistics and post-treatment care.

  4. Support: Throughout the patient's stay in India, CareConnect provides ongoing support and assistance, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience from start to finish.